Sunday, August 31, 2014
The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith Review
I can honestly say that this was very original. I, like most people, have read fairy tales before but not once have I ever read about something that came after the happily ever after of such fairy tales. Always left with the question "What happened after that?" Well this book answers that question. This book focuses on Queen Snow White and how distraught she has been since the death of her husband. Until one day she sees herself in the magic mirror and things change. This is a very fresh and new take on the fairy tale Snow White that I hadn't seen before and I admit that at first I a bit cautious about reading it at first but I'm happy I did. It was great and exceeded my expectations and I definitely recommend this to people who have read the original tale or people who just like good original book. However because of some adult content and violence I do not suggest this be read by or to young children. Overall I give this 4 out of 5 stars. Also If you want to check out this story for yourself you may find it here:
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Interview with Dave Edlund
I am happy to announce that Dave Edlund, author of Crossing Savage, agreed to do an interview with me and so for today I will be posting the interview questions he answered. So without further ado here are his answers to my questions:
1.Where do you get the ideas for your books?
I suppose I’ve always had an active imagination—perhaps this is why I pursued an education and career in energy technology. There are many plot lines for future Peter Savage novels swimming around in my head. For Crossing Savage, I wanted to build on the abiogenic theory of oil formation (make no mistake, this is real science) and bring awareness to my readers. And I couldn’t resist connecting this to the social and political goals of energy independence—a worthy goal, for certain, but one that would not be viewed favorably by countries that are net exporters of energy. And many of these energy exporting countries are hostile toward the US.
2. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
For me, the terms schedule and writing are mutually exclusive! I must write when my mind and emotions are in the correct space, and I can’t really schedule that, although I try to get in 8 to 12 hours of writing on the weekends and up to a couple hours each evening. Before I commit to writing, I’ll spend hours, days, and even weeks thinking through the next events in the plot. Consequently, my writing time is far from predictable.
3. How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?
I think names of characters are very important, and there are several factors I consider when choosing names. If the character is from another country, I’ll try to select a name that is fairly common to that nationality. It must also be easy to pronounce, and I try to avoid names with a “s-sound” ending because this makes plural possessive awkward. In some cases, such as with the protagonist and antagonist, I want to select names that are at least suggestive of the character’s personality. For example, Peter Savage is a strong figure who is stubborn and unyielding. To me, the name Savage is suggestive of these traits. Sometimes I’ve selected names of friends and former classmates (with their permission, of course—so far, no one has said no). There are many lists of common names for specific nationalities (Russian, German, Polish, Japanese, etc.) available through an internet search. For example, if you are looking for Chinese names, just type in “common Chinese names” and you’ll get plenty of hits.
4. Do you have any strange writing habits? If yes, what?
Hmm. Strange is a very relative term! I like to write when I’m traveling. It’s a productive way to pass time on an airplane or while waiting in an airport. Also, I think that time away from my family (business travel) heightens my emotions—a sense of longing, sometimes remorse and regret—and that helps me connect to my characters.
5. What does your writing process look like?
It begins with the kernel of an idea, a plot concept. I’ll work that concept, slowly expanding it into a rough outline. Lately I’ve taken to short bulleted notes that I write on small scraps of paper, and these are pinned to a cork board. Then I move the papers around, quickly changing the sequence of events and spotting holes to turn my attention to. Once the rough outline is done on my cork board, I’ll transition this to a slightly more detailed outline in WORD, trying to break the outline down by chapter. It is from this outline that I start to write. Along the way, detail is added, certain elements are omitted, and characters are fully developed. I feel no obligation to follow the outline; it is merely suggestive and I let the story and characters unfold.
6. What are your ambitions for your writing career?I want to delight and entertain readers with a series of intellectually and emotionally satisfying novels based on Peter Savage and Commander Jim Nicolaou. The sequel to Crossing Savage is with my editor and is scheduled for release in February or March of 2015. Presently I’m writing the third novel in the series. The future holds many adventures plus impossible challenges for my protagonists! And I have no intention of ignoring the bad guys (and gals) either. Memorable antagonists are (in my opinion) an essential ingredient to a satisfying story.
7. Were you already a great writer? Have you always liked to write?Before I ventured into fiction, I had authored, or co-authored, three technical books. I enjoy writing, but I have to work at it—it’s not something that comes easily to me. Thinking up an exciting plot and interesting characters are far easier. It was in high school that I first recognized how much fun it is to become immersed in your characters and their circumstances. But it was several decades later that I seriously approached novel writing. Crossing Savage was originally written as a birthday gift for my son (9 years old at the time), and had it not been for the encouragement of a close friend (also an author) who I shared the manuscript with, it would never have gone farther.
8. What research, if any, do you do before writing a book?Plenty! Research takes the form of academic and on-site research. The academic research is through traditional reference sources (books, brochures, documentaries, company websites, etc.). This type of research is used to understand technology, weapons, and tools that are featured in my stories. I’ll also use academic research to explore locations that I cannot practically get to (such as a hotels or office buildings, or street layouts and geography, in far-away cities). Whenever possible, I like to do on-site research. For the past few years I’ve spent a fair bit of time in China, Taiwan, and Japan. Walking through cities or riding in taxis, I make notes of the sights, the way people dress, and type of commerce. I’ll soak up as much atmosphere and detail as I can and then use this in my writing. Currently I’m outlining a Peter Savage novel that will take place largely in China and Japan, so this on-site research will be put to use.
9. Do you ever get writers block? If so, how do you get over it?
Oh yes. Sometimes I get a mental block because I haven’t fully thought through the scenes I’m trying to write. In that case I step back and spend the necessary time to get it worked out in my mind before going back to writing. I have to be able to see in my mind the events my characters are experiencing. Other times, the block is because I’m simply not in the correct frame of mind—I don’t have the emotional connection to my characters. I’ve learned not to fight writers block, but accept it as part of the process of getting the plot and characters worked out. I suspect that what we call writers block is really our subconscious applying the brakes until the details are sufficiently worked out.
10. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
One of my goals in fiction writing is to put together a story line that is well grounded in reality, with unusual (or unexpected) elements, and then extrapolate to plausible near-term reality. There was no way I could be certain this goal would be satisfied, but based on reader reviews I think it came out well. I write stories that are appealing to me—with characters and ordeals of my making. But writing is a solitary activity; consequently the author has no way of knowing how the final product will be received. That so many readers have given highly favorable reviews to Crossing Savage has been pleasantly surprising, and very rewarding!
11. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Yes, I often hear from readers, and I enjoy that. I want to know what part of the novel readers find noteworthy, what did they enjoy most. Many have commented how they were drawn into the scene on Chernabura Island (in the Aleutian chain), and I was a bit surprised to learn that the submarine scenes evoked such strong sensations of tension. But one of the most interesting and insightful comments came from an army veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan who commented that just as there are characters who need to be eliminated, perhaps more important are the characters who need to be saved. This wisdom totally escaped my conscious thought until he brought it up. It’s important to hear from readers, and I want to learn more from them.
12 .What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
First, fully understand what you are getting into—lots of hard work, rejection intermingled with praise, plus the requirement to market yourself and your books. You must be fully committed, and truly want to become an author. For most, the path is not easy, and there will be plenty of naysayers; don’t listen to them. Take criticism for the value it offers in helping you to improve, nothing more. Having said that, if this is a goal you aspire to, then embrace the challenge and give it all you have. If you do, you are likely to succeed.
My thanks go out to Dave Edlund for doing the interview and all the links will for everything will be down below:
I suppose I’ve always had an active imagination—perhaps this is why I pursued an education and career in energy technology. There are many plot lines for future Peter Savage novels swimming around in my head. For Crossing Savage, I wanted to build on the abiogenic theory of oil formation (make no mistake, this is real science) and bring awareness to my readers. And I couldn’t resist connecting this to the social and political goals of energy independence—a worthy goal, for certain, but one that would not be viewed favorably by countries that are net exporters of energy. And many of these energy exporting countries are hostile toward the US.
2. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
For me, the terms schedule and writing are mutually exclusive! I must write when my mind and emotions are in the correct space, and I can’t really schedule that, although I try to get in 8 to 12 hours of writing on the weekends and up to a couple hours each evening. Before I commit to writing, I’ll spend hours, days, and even weeks thinking through the next events in the plot. Consequently, my writing time is far from predictable.
3. How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?
I think names of characters are very important, and there are several factors I consider when choosing names. If the character is from another country, I’ll try to select a name that is fairly common to that nationality. It must also be easy to pronounce, and I try to avoid names with a “s-sound” ending because this makes plural possessive awkward. In some cases, such as with the protagonist and antagonist, I want to select names that are at least suggestive of the character’s personality. For example, Peter Savage is a strong figure who is stubborn and unyielding. To me, the name Savage is suggestive of these traits. Sometimes I’ve selected names of friends and former classmates (with their permission, of course—so far, no one has said no). There are many lists of common names for specific nationalities (Russian, German, Polish, Japanese, etc.) available through an internet search. For example, if you are looking for Chinese names, just type in “common Chinese names” and you’ll get plenty of hits.
4. Do you have any strange writing habits? If yes, what?
Hmm. Strange is a very relative term! I like to write when I’m traveling. It’s a productive way to pass time on an airplane or while waiting in an airport. Also, I think that time away from my family (business travel) heightens my emotions—a sense of longing, sometimes remorse and regret—and that helps me connect to my characters.
5. What does your writing process look like?
It begins with the kernel of an idea, a plot concept. I’ll work that concept, slowly expanding it into a rough outline. Lately I’ve taken to short bulleted notes that I write on small scraps of paper, and these are pinned to a cork board. Then I move the papers around, quickly changing the sequence of events and spotting holes to turn my attention to. Once the rough outline is done on my cork board, I’ll transition this to a slightly more detailed outline in WORD, trying to break the outline down by chapter. It is from this outline that I start to write. Along the way, detail is added, certain elements are omitted, and characters are fully developed. I feel no obligation to follow the outline; it is merely suggestive and I let the story and characters unfold.
6. What are your ambitions for your writing career?I want to delight and entertain readers with a series of intellectually and emotionally satisfying novels based on Peter Savage and Commander Jim Nicolaou. The sequel to Crossing Savage is with my editor and is scheduled for release in February or March of 2015. Presently I’m writing the third novel in the series. The future holds many adventures plus impossible challenges for my protagonists! And I have no intention of ignoring the bad guys (and gals) either. Memorable antagonists are (in my opinion) an essential ingredient to a satisfying story.
7. Were you already a great writer? Have you always liked to write?Before I ventured into fiction, I had authored, or co-authored, three technical books. I enjoy writing, but I have to work at it—it’s not something that comes easily to me. Thinking up an exciting plot and interesting characters are far easier. It was in high school that I first recognized how much fun it is to become immersed in your characters and their circumstances. But it was several decades later that I seriously approached novel writing. Crossing Savage was originally written as a birthday gift for my son (9 years old at the time), and had it not been for the encouragement of a close friend (also an author) who I shared the manuscript with, it would never have gone farther.
8. What research, if any, do you do before writing a book?Plenty! Research takes the form of academic and on-site research. The academic research is through traditional reference sources (books, brochures, documentaries, company websites, etc.). This type of research is used to understand technology, weapons, and tools that are featured in my stories. I’ll also use academic research to explore locations that I cannot practically get to (such as a hotels or office buildings, or street layouts and geography, in far-away cities). Whenever possible, I like to do on-site research. For the past few years I’ve spent a fair bit of time in China, Taiwan, and Japan. Walking through cities or riding in taxis, I make notes of the sights, the way people dress, and type of commerce. I’ll soak up as much atmosphere and detail as I can and then use this in my writing. Currently I’m outlining a Peter Savage novel that will take place largely in China and Japan, so this on-site research will be put to use.
9. Do you ever get writers block? If so, how do you get over it?
Oh yes. Sometimes I get a mental block because I haven’t fully thought through the scenes I’m trying to write. In that case I step back and spend the necessary time to get it worked out in my mind before going back to writing. I have to be able to see in my mind the events my characters are experiencing. Other times, the block is because I’m simply not in the correct frame of mind—I don’t have the emotional connection to my characters. I’ve learned not to fight writers block, but accept it as part of the process of getting the plot and characters worked out. I suspect that what we call writers block is really our subconscious applying the brakes until the details are sufficiently worked out.
10. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
One of my goals in fiction writing is to put together a story line that is well grounded in reality, with unusual (or unexpected) elements, and then extrapolate to plausible near-term reality. There was no way I could be certain this goal would be satisfied, but based on reader reviews I think it came out well. I write stories that are appealing to me—with characters and ordeals of my making. But writing is a solitary activity; consequently the author has no way of knowing how the final product will be received. That so many readers have given highly favorable reviews to Crossing Savage has been pleasantly surprising, and very rewarding!
11. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Yes, I often hear from readers, and I enjoy that. I want to know what part of the novel readers find noteworthy, what did they enjoy most. Many have commented how they were drawn into the scene on Chernabura Island (in the Aleutian chain), and I was a bit surprised to learn that the submarine scenes evoked such strong sensations of tension. But one of the most interesting and insightful comments came from an army veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan who commented that just as there are characters who need to be eliminated, perhaps more important are the characters who need to be saved. This wisdom totally escaped my conscious thought until he brought it up. It’s important to hear from readers, and I want to learn more from them.
12 .What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
First, fully understand what you are getting into—lots of hard work, rejection intermingled with praise, plus the requirement to market yourself and your books. You must be fully committed, and truly want to become an author. For most, the path is not easy, and there will be plenty of naysayers; don’t listen to them. Take criticism for the value it offers in helping you to improve, nothing more. Having said that, if this is a goal you aspire to, then embrace the challenge and give it all you have. If you do, you are likely to succeed.
My thanks go out to Dave Edlund for doing the interview and all the links will for everything will be down below:
To order this book on Amazon go here:
Twitter: @DaveEdlund
Check out my books on Goodreads:
Light Messages Publishing:
Friday, August 29, 2014
Book Blast: Destined by C.J. Fallowfield
Gabe Austin is tormented by demons from his past.
Blaming himself for his part in a tragic accident and abandoned by his father
when he needed him most, he uses his charm, good looks and ripped physique to
find temporary solace in an abundance of one night stands. Dominating, distant,
unwilling to commit, sex becomes his outlet for his pain. Until he sees her.
One glance was all it took to turn his world upside down, to make him want to
possess her completely. Gabe just knew that she was the girl to heal his
shattered heart, she was his destiny.
Destined is a short novella written from Gabe’s point of view. It details key
moments in his life, leading to the events that unfold in ‘New Leaves, No
Strings’, book one of The Austin Series, which combines erotica, romance and
I stared at the brunette beauty in front of my eyes and gently clasped her face, her blue eyes met mine and it felt like she could see all the way into my soul. She saw the shame, anger and guilt buried deep inside me, yet she didn’t turn away. Instead she clutched my shoulders, drawing me closer, as her full lush lips parted and softly brushed over mine. I groaned into her mouth as we gently kissed, all the while my stomach was doing somersaults that I’d never experienced until I clapped eyes on her.
My whole body ached with desire. I’d fucked hundreds of women before her, blondes, redheads, tall, short, skinny, plump, the odd brunette, yet I hadn’t felt this level of magnetism with a single one, until now. We were opposite poles destined to be attracted to each other, the odds of finding her had to be one in a ... billion, yet here she was in my arms, willing me to taste her, caress her, possess her.
I took her over with deep plunges of my tongue into her warm mouth, as I slid one hand to the nape of her neck, holding her to keep her from escaping. My other gently clutched her throat, my thumb caressing her jaw as she melted in my arms. Damn it, I was feeling things from kissing her that I hadn’t even felt from sex with other women. What was she doing to me? I heard her softly moan my name, which made me groan again, I felt it to my very core. I reluctantly pulled away and tore my t-shirt over my head. I felt a surge of pride when she gasped as her eyes roved hungrily over my solid pecs and bulging oblique’s. Her body looked exquisite too, she had curves in all the right places and the way those jeans clung to that rounded backside made me quiver in anticipation of being able to caress it. I needed her naked, right now.
She looked up at me through her long lashes as her lips parted and her chest heaved, while I slowly unbuttoned her blouse and pushed it off her shoulders. She was bare chested and my cock surged at the sight of her perfectly formed pert breasts, with peaked soft pink nipples. I wanted to touch them, lick them, kiss them and suck them, then rip off her jeans, lay her down on the bed and touch every inch of her flawless porcelain skin. I’d make her come over and over with my fingers and tongue. I’d part her swollen pink folds and lash her clit with my tongue, teasing, pressing softly then hard, circling with occasional plunges into her warmth so she wouldn’t know what was coming next. I’d sink my fingers into her tight pussy and seek out her g-spot, stroking it again and again, as I gently sucked on her clit. I’d make her so wet that she’d be primed to accept my solid thick cock without complaint. Once she was crying with pleasure and begging to me to take her, I’d sink into her and make love to her until she pleaded with me to fill her with my hot salty come.
Make love to her? Something didn’t sound right with that. I didn’t make love, I fucked. Roughly.
I groaned as I opened my eyes and realised I was in bed, alone, dreaming. That damn girl wouldn’t even leave me in peace when I was asleep. Since the second I’d spotted her I could think of nothing else, I wanted nothing else. Now it was time I did something about it. I was actually meeting her in less than four hours, and the only thing I knew for certain was that I’d stop at nothing until I made her mine.
The Austin Series is six books in total, written from the perspective of Mia
Page, and is designed to be read in the following sequence.
New Leaves, No Strings
Baggage & Buttons
Forever & an Engine
The Honeymoon Period
Love & Loss
Infinite Love
Baggage & Buttons
Forever & an Engine
The Honeymoon Period
Love & Loss
Infinite Love
Amazon UK:
am a very young hearted 44 year old female from the United Kingdom. I enjoyed
writing fictional stories as a child but, like many, long working hours in my
career meant that I had little time for anything else. Finding myself in the
fortunate position of now being able to work from home part time, I have been
able to rekindle this long lost passion for storytelling. Writing aids include
chocolate, Ben & Jerrys and copious amounts of coffee.
Author Links:
Link to follow tour:
Goodreads Link:
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Interview with author Justin Bienvenue
I'm proud to announce that today I will be posting an interview with the author Justin Bienvenue. He has written a few books but today we will be talking about his newest Like a Box of Chocolates. This book has 40 poems all together and every single one of them is unique and different in their own way. If you would like but or just see what this book is all about the links are here:
And now for the interview:
1. Why did you start writing poetry?
started writing poetry because I became interested in it. I found it as
a great way of expression, not only using words but using them in such a
way that I could transform anything I saw around me, read or wherever
inspiration came from I took it and turned it into a poem. It was a way
for me to express my feelings openly and I feel that poetry was a great
way for me to expand on my creativity and take my feelings and
imagination and combine them all together to create works that people
could come to enjoy. I found a sincere appreciation in reading poets
such as Robert Frost, Shakespeare. Langston Huges just to name a few.
After reading them and trying out poetry I knew that this was something I
would enjoy, I knew it would become something to which I am passionate
2. Where do you get the ideas to write your poems from?
I stated above, I get inspiration in many different ways. From what
take in around me, from what I hear, see and sometimes even smell. I get
inspired from the thoughts already stored up in this brain of mine,
though when I take something around me it’s usually good to go whereas
if it’s in my brain I have to go over it and figure out if it’s worth
being made into a poem. Odd concept I know but that’s how it works with
me. I can be inspired from pretty much anything, from hundreds of
flowers in a garden to seeing the Pillsbury Doughboy on television, it
really doesn’t matter and if I see the slightest hint of a possible
poem, I take it in and do my best to make it into something beautiful.
3. How did you come up with the title: Like a Box of Chocolates?
the poems within the book are all of different genres and all about
very interesting topics. Some of them relatable, some of them on point
and some of them just completely absurd and all over the place. When you
read one poem after the other you really don’t know what your going to
get and that is why the book is called Like A Box of Chocolates. I
played around with a few lesser catchy titles such as The Mixed Book of
Goodies, The Mixed Poem Series but they just didn’t sit well with me and
were catchy enough. It wasn’t until I really sat back and examined the
poems for what they were and came up with the title.
4.What are your ambitions for your writing career?
be successful, enjoy what I do and hope that others will be entertained
and enjoy my work. I realize that as an Indie author the road ahead is
only going to go as far as I am willing to go and that only I am capable
of my unlocking my own potential. I haven’t set the bar high for myself
but not because I don’t believe I will reach it but I want to be
realistic and take things slow, take it one step at a time. I want to
enjoy putting as much effort and skill into my work to the best of my
ability and then and only then will I be ambitious enough to present
that work to others so that they too can experience it.
5. What research, if any, do you do before you write?
definitely do research before writing. Not only do I do this for short
stories but poems as well. I do the basic research on the topic even if I
know what it is. If it’s something I don’t know much about or might be
controversial, I tend to do more research on it. I look online, read up
on it, really just basic steps that helps me acquire the right
information on what I am writing so that it’s not only well written, eye
catching and creative but accurate as well.
6.When did you decide to become an author?
in 2010 I made up a list of things to do such as find a job, become
more social, learn to drive just a list of common things one can do. The
fifth thing on the list just for the heck of it since I wrote was to
write a book. After attempting to do the first four and either checking
them off the list of giving up on them I came to the fifth one. I stared
hard at the paper, I remember it as clear as day. As I was about to put
a line through it I stopped and thought, why not? Is it really that
farfetched of an idea? I mean heck I have plenty of work, I’m young,
eager and if it doesn’t work out then it doesn’t work out but by god I’m
going to do this. I am going to write a book and become an author. It
was then that I started on my first book, The Macabre Masterpiece. After
that there wasn’t a clear intention to further my writing but at the
same time I didn’t want to be a one hit wonder of it either. Inspiration
hit me again when I took on my second book and it was then that I
realized I had checked off the hardest thing on the list, the most
unlikely thing on that list. I became an author.
7.Do you have a specific time during the day when you write? or no?
not at all. Sorry to seem boring. I usually go on my computer between
12-2 and stay on for a few hours. If I am in my room and inspiration
strikes, I run to my dresser grab and pencil and paper and write or I
run to my computer and get started. Day, afternoon or night it doesn’t
matter as I will write if I feel I want to or the ideas are there.
8. What is the hardest thing about writing?
satisfied with it and making sure it’s just right. I can’t tell you how
many times I will go over my work to make sure it sounds right, or if I
want a certain scene or sentence in there. The hardest part of writing
is my indecisiveness. Sometimes it gets the best of me but the best
thing to do is to just write, write and write some more and go over it
after. I d my best to believe in what I do and when I am satisfied it is
only then that I feel as I have gotten over the hardest part. I would
say editing is also quite a hard part about the writing process.
9. Do you ever get writer's block? If so, how do you get over it?
I am human like everyone else and I get the dreaded writer’s block. If
it’s not too bad I’ll just wait a few minutes stay seated and then try
again. If I’m really hurting and have a big mental block then I will go
do something else and try to come back when I feel I have something. A
lot of time I will also have an idea and then forget to write about it
and then later on when I go back and think oh I had the best idea, oh
thats right I didn’t write it down. I find that to be the worst kind of
writer’s block because I know the idea is there somewhere but now I
gotta think long and hard and hope to get it back.
10. What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
in yourself and do what you love. Write, write, write. Don’t let
negative reviews get you down, don’t take them personally. Also look
into submitting your books to more then one publisher whether it be
traditional or self-published. Also don’t be disgruntled if you get
rejected, that’s the business, that’s life it’s going to happen. Try to
remain come, gather yourself and go onto the next one and always believe
in yourself and your potential.
And that was all the questions we were able to do but I would like to thank Justin for agreeing and taking time to do this interview. So thank you Justin and I wish you a lot of success.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Giveaway: $5 Amazon Gift Card
So I have decided to giveaway a $5 Amazon Gift Card since I know how expensive books can get. However this is not just for books you can use this for whatever you may want to get from Amazon. Anyone is allowed to enter and good luck.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Touch by Jus Accardo Review
Three words: Read this book. I honestly Do not even know what to say besides that this book was amazing and I loved absolutely everything about this book. I really enjoyed watching Dez and Kale interact. It was so sweet sometimes and then other times you just got so mad at the people who did the things they did to Kale. I have read the other book in this series and would really recommend you read those as well because they are just as good. I can not wait until the fourth and the fifth book come out. I am really excited for that. but back to the point this book was just so captivating and it was really well done so I do recommend that everyone read Touch by Jus Accardo. I would give this book five stars out of five, that is how perfect I thought this book was.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Beast part 2 by Ella James
This is
an erotic fairy tale inspired by Beauty and the Beast.
Yes or no? What will
she do? Can Annabelle redeem Beast with her heart intact, or
will her time at La Rosa Prison ruin her? Find out who Beast
really is in the dark, erotic retelling of Beauty & The
“You look nervous,” he says. His hand, still in my hair, turns to my cheek. It’s warm. Smells good. “Come and sit down.”He takes my hand and leads me to a window seat. A built-in bench, pressed up against a wall of glass. He wraps his hands around my waist and lifts me up. Sits me down up there. My eyes scan the patchy, dirt-strewn yard outside. The way the rain smashes off the ground and into something else. The sky is white. Stark white.“Just a minute,” he says.My mind screams as he steps away. He reaches onto some shelves along the wall and grabs an armful of navy blue blankets. Painters’ blankets, I realize as he holds them out for me. He sits them on the bench beside me. Smooths one out. Lifts me up and sits me on it. Then he tucks another one behind me.“Thank you,” I murmur. Despite the blankets’ tattered appearance, they seem soft enough. There’s no paint on them, and they don’t smell like it. Another one unfolded by his big hands, tucked around me.“You got wet. Warm up a moment.”I sit there because my brain is broken and my heart feels puffed up like a balloon.He climbs up behind me and gently nudges me forward. He leans his torso up against mine, spreads his legs around my butt and thighs. Strong hands begin to knead my shoulders.“Don’t be nervous here, Angel. I’ll take care of you. Always.”
Ella James
Ella James is a Colorado author
who writes teen and adult romance. She is happily married to a man
who knows how to wield a red pen, and together they are raising a
feisty two-year-old who will probably grow up believing everyone’s
parents go to war over the placement of a comma.
Ella’s books have been listed on
numerous Amazon bestseller lists, including the Movers &
Shakers list and the Amazon Top 100; two were listed among
Amazon’s Top 100 Young Adult Ebooks of 2012.
To find out more about Ella’s
projects and get dates on upcoming releases, find her on Facebook
at and follow her blog, Questions or comments? Tweet her at
author_ellaj or e-mail her at
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Alienated by Melissa Landers Review
AMAZING. I had heard good things about this book but I never thought that it would be that good. I absolutely loved Alienated. I really enjoyed watching the characters develop and grow, especially Aelyx. Also I liked seeing how Cara and Aelyx relationship changed throughout the duration of the book. However I do have to say that it was messed up of Aelyx to do what he was doing especially after he realized how much he cared for Cara. Okay well this book is about a girl named Cara that hosts the first ever intergalactic foreign exchange program along with two other high school valedictorians and to say that some people are not pleased with this program is a huge understatement. I would recommend for everyone who has read These Fallen Stars to also read Alienated as well because it is simply amazing and it was a very quick read. I would also recommend Alienated to anyone who simply wants a good book to read. It's just one of those books you get lost in and I can not wait for the second book to come out. All in all I would give Alienated 4.5 stars out of 5.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Cover Reveal: The Bridge of Deaths by M.C.V. Egan

Learn more about this book and the special 75th anniversary re-release at
Join us as we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the crash of the G-AESY†and the start of World War II with a month-long history-laden event that will entertain, educate, and enlighten you! As part of this event, a revised version of The Bridge of Deaths,†this award-winning and highly-acclaimed account of the events of that fateful day in 1939, will be re-released. If you would like to be a part of the month-long anniversary event from September 1 to September 30,†please go here:† THE AUTHOR
M.C.V. Egan is the pen name chosen by Maria Catalina Vergara Egan.
Catalina was born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1959, the sixth of eight
children, in a traditional Catholic family. From a very young age, she
became obsessed with the story of her maternal grandfather, Cesar
Agustin Castillo--mostly the story of how he died. She spent her
childhood in Mexico. When her father became an employee of The World
Bank in Washington D.C. in the early 1970s, she moved with her entire
family to the United States.
Catalina was already fluent in English, as she had spent one school year
in the town of Pineville, Louisiana with her grandparents. There she
won the English award, despite being the only one who had English as a
second language in her class. In the D.C. suburbs she attended various
private Catholic schools and graduated from Winston Churchill High
School in Potomac, Maryland in 1977.
She attended Montgomery Community College, where she changed majors
every semester. She also studied in Lyons, France, at the Catholic
University for two years. In 1981, due to an impulsive young marriage to
a Viking (the Swedish kind, not the football player kind), Catalina
moved to Sweden where she resided for five years and taught at a
language school for Swedish, Danish, and Finnish businesspeople. She
then returned to the USA, where she has lived ever since. She is fluent
in Spanish, English, French and Swedish.
Maria Catalina Vergara Egan is married and has one son who, together
with their five-pound Chihuahua, makes her feel like a full-time mother.
Although she would not call herself an astrologer she has taken many
classes and taught a few beginner classes in the subject.
She celebrated her 52nd birthday on July 2nd, 2011, and gave herself
self-publishing The Bridge of Deaths as a gift.
Find M.C.V. Egan and†The Bridge of Deaths†at
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire Review
Can I just say that I had really high expectations for this book and it did not disappoint. I wouldn't say that this was better than Beautiful Disaster because it wasn't but it was pretty high up there. In this book Cami gets to know Trenton Maddox when he sits at her table in the club one night. Cami decides that she can handle trying to keep everything platonic between them but he's a Maddox and they don't give up easy. It frustrated me at some points in the story when Cami kept telling Trenton that they had to say friends. I didn't understand what secret could be so big that they had to remain friends but at the end I finally understood and it all made sense.I had to say that the suspense of finding out Cami's secret really kept me hooked, even if at points it frustrated me. I would give this book 4.5 stars out of 5. I highly recommend that if you have read Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster you read these because it really is another beautiful story. Also if you just like great romance books I recommend this and the other two book as well.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Here by Ella James review
This book had me flipping through the pages like crazy to find out what happened next. Here by Ella James was very well written and had me intrigued through out the whole book .This book is about a girl named Milo who when aiming to shoot a deer shoots a guy instead. Then to add to the problem said guy doesn't remember who he is so they decide to investigate to see if they can find out his identity but the more they find out about him the more questions they have left unanswered. It was a great book and the only issue I had with it was the escape scene.There is no way a girl can try to escape highly trained operatives and succeed in the way Milo did. However, other than that, this was an amazing book and I would give 3.5 stars out of 5. I would also recommend this to anyone who likes books with a bit of mystery and romance mixed together.
Friday, August 8, 2014
These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman Review
First thing I want to say about this book is WOW! These Broken Stars had me captivated with the first chapter of the book and I did not want to put it down. This novel centers around Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen who get stuck together on an unknown planet after the spaceship they were on gets pulled out of hyperspace and crashes. They then have to use the skills Tarver has learned in the military and Lilac's knowledge of technology to survive. These Broken Stars was beautifully written and the story just seemed to flow together. Also the farther along one read the more the plot thickens and the more you find out about the characters themselves, things they might not have known. This book was just simply amazing and very original. I have never read anything like it and I would recommend this to anyone out there looking for a story to read.
Monday, August 4, 2014
First Post
First of all I want to thank you for coming to my page. Second I just want to give a general idea of what my blog will be about. On here I plan to review books at least once a week as well as the occasional book and gift card giveaways as well as some other things. I haven't really decided what those other things will be but I'll figure it out as I go. Well that's it for this first post but if you have any questions you can go ahead and ask. Also I'm planning on posting again soon not sure when but soon. Again thank you for checking out my blog and hopefully you came back again.
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